We believe that...

There is one all-powerful, all-knowing, all-seeing God who is the creator of the whole universe.

Jesus Christ is the son of God.

The Bible is God's word – it is God’s way of speaking to us!

The Holy Spirit is God's power to create and save.

God gave men & women free-will to choose whether or not to honour Him, but from the very beginning we chose to ignore or break God's ways (sin).

Jesus lived in complete harmony with his Father and did not sin, but he gave up his life on the cross as a sacrifice so that believers in him could have their sins forgiven. .

God raised Jesus from the dead, and now Jesus is with God in heaven.

We can communicate by prayer to God, through Jesus Christ.

God is working in the world today to fulfil His ultimate purpose. He will judge mankind and eventually fill the earth with His Kingdom.

Jesus Christ will return to the earth to bring judgement and establish God’s Kingdom. 

Through faith in the gospel, repentance and baptism we have the hope of eternal life and a share in God's Kingdom. God has made important and sure promises to those who develop that faith.

The gospel is the Bible teaching about the Kingdom of God AND the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We are all about…

Learning from the Bible. Waiting for God's Kingdom on Earth. Watching for Christ's return (it could be any day now!). Hoping for resurrection and eternal life in God's Kingdom.